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Making money out of thing air online; Truth or a Myth?

I needed a new pair of shoes.

I have a Facebook groupMaking money from thin air

I posted several products worth $5 on it! Digital products

Two members of the group contacted me and made an order. And bingo I had $10 in income that I can splurge on a new pair of shoes.


Ever heard of the term making money out of thin air? Making money out of thin air is often used metaphorically to describe situations where money seems to be generated without a clear, tangible source or effort. Here are a few visual ideas you might imagine:

  1. Printing Press: An old-fashioned printing press spewing out currency, which conveys the literal creation of money from nothing.
  2. Digital Currency: An abstract image of binary code or digital data transforming into cash, representing the creation of virtual money or value. Think bitcoin. Most cryptocurrencies are actually seemingly made out of thin air. (Side Note: If you care for a slice of the cryptocurrency pie through airdrops, join this group)
  3. Clouds and Cash: A whimsical image of cash or coins raining down from a cloud, illustrating the concept of money seemingly coming from thin air.


Doesn’t it fascinate you? Well making money out of thin air especially online is not a myth. There’s a truth to it. Even though some persons are seemingly born with the skills to do that; there are some people with skills and or products that can simply make money out of thin air by marketing them masterfully online. It takes a combination of knowledge, timing and even media to do this. Only a few select people belong to that group. Its a sure way to become wealthy and fulfilled. If you want to belong start by learning the difference between marketing and sales and how to make both work for you.


To be able to make money from thin air online also, any good marketer (or business person) as all marketers should be must have the following other qualities;

  • Having a desire to keep learning new marketing strategies.
  • Knowing their customers and markets.
  • Showing time management skills.
  • Managing large workloads.
  • Creating memorable customer experiences.
  • Understanding their competitors.
  • Setting clear and actionable goals.


It’s a gradual process. It may take years and many trials and errors but when you finally reach that pinnacle of commanding income straight out of thin air, your business and everything about your life, will be much better and super grateful for it.







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